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Two Exercises to Prevent Running Injuries


Running is a wonderful exercise and has many benefits — it builds endurance, increases cardiovascular health, and helps to maintain optimum physical health as we age. However, runners can develop injuries if they don’t pay attention to their form. An improper running technique can put stress on various parts of the body, leading to back pain and injury. Some common problems are caused by putting too much weight on the heel when our foot hits the ground, and leaning forward when we run. Here are two simple exercises from a Doylestown chiropractor that will release muscles affected by those running styles.

Squats. This particular type of squat, according to a local Doylestown chiropractor, works your hip adductor and gluteus maximus muscles, which will correct for the problem of putting too much pressure on your heels when you run. Stand erect with your feet shoulder-width apart, weight back on your heels, and your toes pointed out slightly (about a 45 degree angle). Go down into a squat, but do it as if you were trying to sit in a chair that is slightly behind you. As you lower yourself, move your knees slightly outward. Then, shift your balance forward on your feet. After you reach your lowest point, push back up to a standing position with your heels. Repeat several times.

running stretch

Step backs. This simple exercise works the gluteus medius muscles, and helps to counteract a habit of shifting your weight forward as you run. Stand with your feet placed shoulder width apart. Place your weight on one leg and bend it slightly, taking care to keep your knee over your heel. Step back with your other leg and place it behind the first one. Repeat several times.

These two exercises will help you maintain proper running form and avoid injuries.

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