
Archive for September, 2017


September 20, 2017 Leave a comment


Nutrition researchers are finding the mineral zinc has many properties that can benefit mental and physical health. Here are five of them.



. It strengthens the immune system. According to a Doylestown Pa chiropractor, a deficiency in zinc can compromise your immune system and make you more susceptible to infections.

. It boosts the healing properties of your skin. Zinc plays a role in the healing of wounds and skin ailments like acne and psoriasis.

. It plays a role in digestive health. Harmful bacteria in the intestines and stomach can cause many digestive problems, including acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome. Zinc has been proven to play a role in increasing the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for good digestion, click here to learn more.

. It increases fertility. Low levels of zinc have been linked with low sperm counts, and zinc has also been proven to boost testosterone in men, which improves sperm motility.  In addition, zinc’s ability to boost the immune system can help to prevent prenatal infections. Although it’s not understood completely, it appears that increased levels of zinc can lessen the chance of premature births by 14 percent.

. It improves mental health. Research going back more than fifty years has shown a relationship between low zinc levels and depression. Zinc deficiencies have been found in patients with other types of psychiatric problems as well. Some researchers are studying the use of zinc supplements in treating mental health disorders, and it seems to play a role in protecting various areas of the brain from the harmful effects of stress.


The research suggests that for many people, a zinc supplement from their best chiropractor would be a good addition to their daily nutrition intake.


September 12, 2017 Leave a comment

Yoga has had an enormous surge in popularity in the last two decades, and there are millions of people who do yoga on a regular basis for its health benefits. Many studies have shown the benefits of yoga on various systems of the body. Here is a rundown from a Jamison chiropractor of some of the latest studies on how yoga can make you healthier.

It reduces inflammation. Studies show that a yoga session reduces cytokines, which are chemicals that play a role in inflammation of tissues. Cytokines have been identified as a factor in diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune conditions. Yogic meditation has been found to reduce our body’s stress responses that lead to inflammation, according to studies at the University of California.
It helps with bladder problems. Women can benefit from yoga postures because they strengthen the pelvic floor area, which can help with bladder issues that occur after menopause or childbirth.
It benefits the heart. Yoga has been proven to lower blood pressure and lessen the risk of heart disease. It actually can lower heart disease risk as much as cardio exercises like cycling or walking, according to a study from the European Society of Cardiology.
It eases our pain. Many studies have shown that utilizing a Warrington chiropractor and yoga can reduce pain in our bodies and offer relief from conditions like arthritis, back pain or fibromyalgia.

Modern medicine continues to find positive benefits in this ancient system of health. It’s a good idea to take up the regular practice of yoga — your body will thank you for it!

Back To School Backpack Safety Tips

September 6, 2017 Leave a comment


As another school year is upon us, and parents and students alike are making their back to school lists, Dr. Jeff is reminding his patients that back-to-school is tough enough. Your child’s backpack shouldn’t make it tougher.

Dr. Jeff says “In my Doylestown chiropractic practice, I have seen more and more elementary and middle school aged children who are complaining about back, neck and shoulder pain.”  “The first question I typically ask is do you carry a backpack to school and almost 100% of the time the answer is yes.”


This back pain trend among younger students isn’t surprising when you consider the amount of weight they carry in their backpacks, and usually slung over one shoulder.  Some of the statistics are outstanding:

According to US Consumer Product Safety Commission, in 2013, over 14,000 students sought medical treatment for injuries, ranging from sprain/strains to dislocations and fractures.  Another study from the University of California showed that 64% of students between 11-15 reported back pain from their backpacks and 21% of them had pain for more than 6 months.

Dr. Jeff says “A lot of these problems can be addressed by using proper body mechanics.  While they may not be “cool”, it will help prevent the possibility of long term damage.”


In an effort to cut down on the number of these injuries, Dr. McQuaite offers parents the following backpack safety advice:

  1. Never let a child carry more than 10% of his or her body weight. A heavier backpack will cause the child to bend forward in an attempt to support the weight. In our office, we have seen backpacks weighing more than 40% of the child’s weight.
  2. Load heaviest items closest to the child’s back and arrange books and materials to prevent them from sliding.
  3. Always wear both well-padded shoulder straps. Wearing only one strap can cause a child to lean to one side, curving the spine and causing pain or discomfort.
  4. Adjust the shoulder straps so that the pack fits snugly to the child’s back. The bottom of the pack should rest in the curve of the lower back, never more than four inches below the child’s waistline.
  5. Use the waist belt, if the backpack has one, to help distribute the pack’s weight more evenly.
  6. Choose the right size pack for your child’s back, bigger isn’t necessarily better.
  7. Dr. McQuaite urges that parents don’t put a child’s name on the outside of a backpack, for safety reasons: When the child is walking home from school, you don’t want a predator to be able to call him or her by name
  8. If a student is experiencing back pain or neck soreness, consult your physician or chiropractor.