
Archive for August, 2017


Let’s say you’ve been experiencing back pain for a while, and you’ve tried popping over the counter painkillers or anti-inflammatory agents, and perhaps you’ve even tried applying heat and ice to the affected area, but nothing has made the pain go away. So, you go to your local chiropractor and describe the problem, and the doc says, “We need to get an MRI to see what’s going on in that area. We’ll get a good picture of any injuries or abnormalities, and then we’ll get to the source of the pain.” You immediately feel better, because now Modern Medical Science is going to subject you to the latest technology, and with all the sophisticated tools at its disposal, it’s only a matter of time before you’ll find out exactly what’s happening with your back.

Doylestown Herniated Disc

Well, maybe not.

A study published a few years ago in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that  many referrals from physicians for MRI tests because of back pain were unnecessary, and the tests did not accurately diagnose the cause of the pain.

The reason is that back pain can have many causes, and some of them are hard to pinpoint on an MRI or Digital X-ray. Also, many times these instruments are so sensitive they show abnormalities even for people who have no back pain.

Doylestown Digital X-Ray

The problem is that if a scan shows an abnormality, your physician may recommend a surgical procedure that won’t address the real cause of the pain. Studies have actually shown that in many cases back pain goes away on its own, so surgery is not necessary.

The best approach is to try non-invasive treatments first, like chiropractic care or physical therapy.  Yoga, massage, acupuncture, and Tai Chi, among other things, can alleviate your pain and make a difference in your back health.

Doylestown chiropractor treatment

Modern medical science has many amazing tools, but just remember that they are not perfect.