
Archive for March, 2011

Doylestown Chiropractor Having “Spring Into Good Health” Community Appreciation Week!

March 24, 2011 1 comment

Dr. Jeff McQuaite and his team at Azzatori Chiropractic-Doylestown are celebrating their 1st anniversary at their location in Doylestown by having a “Spring Into Good Health” Community Appreciation Week from April4-8, 2011!

Dr. McQuaite and his team are asking that you please join them with your family and friends as they celebrate their 1st anniversary in Doylestown.  “This past year we have met many wonderful people who have become friends and patients, seen some amazing results and have had tremendous growth!”  “As our way of saying “THANKS”, we will be having a full week of free and discounted services, fun, food and prizes!”

All new patients will receive:

$20 Exam, X-rays & Treatment
Free 30 minute massage
Discounted massages for the month of April
Sign-ups for special events
Much, much more! 

Dr. Jeff McQuaite has been helping the residents of Central Bucks rediscover a life without pain for over 15 years.  He has distinguished itself from other practices by offering a more wellness based approach to their health care.  “I am striving to get my patients to understand the importance of corrective care and to be more proactive than reactive in regards to their health.”  “That is why we are called a TEAM.  We Teach our patients, Educate our patients, Adjust our patients and Motivate them to be active participants in their health care.”

Dr. Jeff says that “this type of care is geared towards those individuals who are looking for a more permanent solution to chronic aches and pains.” Patients with complaints of pain in the neck, lower back and hips, or even those with recurring headaches and dizziness, are given a comprehensive chiropractic program that is customized to their specific needs with the end goal of long-term recovery.

It all starts off with high frequency x-ray imaging where the doctor takes a close look at the state of your spine and compare your spine’s shape and form to that of a normal healthy spine. This allows him to focus in on the main problem areas. The gentle treatments offered at his office consists of conservative chiropractic adjustments, traction, ice/heat therapy, massage and other rehabilitative methods in order to slowly but steadily bring your body back to healthy alignment. The doctor will customize the treatment based on the individual and will also offer life style modification, exercises and stretching techniques that the patients can do at home to further along the process.

For more information, please call:

Azzatori Chiropractic
295 Logan Street
Doylestown, PA 18901

Doylestown chiropractor shares video of chiropractic adjustment on the Dr. Oz show.

Chiropractic continues to get main stream exposure!  On the March 3, 2011 of the Dr. Oz show, Dr. Oz discussed the topic of chiropractic.  The segment focused on the findings in a new Cochrane study which showed that Chiropractic manipulation was just as effective for treating lower back pain as traditional treatment, such as pain medication.

Anyone who has ever suffered a serious back injury knows about the frustration, the debilitating pain, and the complete, grinding halt it can put to your life.  Dr. Mehmet Oz explained that 80% of Americans experience back pain and many could benefit from visiting a chiropractor and receiving chiropractic adjustments.  He explained  how the spine can get out of alignment and cause pressure on the discs and nerves, which in turn, causes pain. Dr. Oz said that even simple things such as sleeping wrong or getting groceries out of the car can force the spine out of alignment. He also said that a misaligned spine can result in disc problems which can cause a lot of pain and takes quite a while to heal. 

Dr. Oz had Dr Steven Shoshany, a chiropractor, on the show who proceeded to give an audience member a chiropractic adjustment. After the adjustment was given, the doctor explained to Dr. Oz and the audience the philosophy of chiropractic and how realignment of the spine reduces interference to the nervous system and lets the body heal itself.  Dr. Steve also explained that pain medications only mask the symptoms, but do not treat the underlying cause of back pain.

Dr. Oz has praised the benefits of chiropractic treatment before on previous shows. The majority of Doylestown area chiropractic offices offer spinal and joint adjustments, massage, electrical stimulation, heat, cold, and life style modification programs to reduce patients pain.

At my office, Azzatori Chiropractic-Doylestown, we sometimes find that spinal misalignments or a herniated disc are the cause of the back problem, so we utilize a non-surgical, drugless approach to our treatment plans.

Azzatori Chiropractic-Doylestown
295 Logan Street
Doylestown, Pa. 18901