
Posts Tagged ‘posture’

Postural Improvements During The Workday

February 12, 2019 Leave a comment

Many of us sit at a desk during the workday, typing away till all hours…and of course, we know we should be sitting up straight and not hunching over…. right?

Having proper posture while we’re sitting at a desk is something that takes time, and will require daily effort, especially if we’re used to sitting in a different way. Over time, the uncomfortableness that you’ll inevitably feel from being in a less used position will go away, and you’ll probably find yourself with less muscle tightness and pain!

So how can we improve our posture while at work? Since a majority of folks are sitting during the day, how you’re positioned in your chair is important. Long hours at your desk might tend to make you slouch forward, but you want to keep your back against your chair, preferably one that’s ergonomically made to fit against your spine. You’ll want to keep your feet flat on the floor, and have your knees in line with your hips. Getting up and moving every hour (or more!) is ideal as well, and will help keep you stretched out.

ball desk

If you have the opportunity to stand during the workday – or even better says a chiropractor in Doylestown, if you have a desk that alternates between letting you sit and stand – you want to make sure you’re standing properly. Try and keep your feet about shoulder width apart, with knees unlocked. Keep your shoulders down and back, with your arms relaxed. Try and avoid having your head come forward; if needed, tuck your chin in a bit – this will help to keep your head level.


Postural adjustments by a local chiropractor takes time to implement, and might feel a bit strange at first…. but even while walking down the street or driving in your car, see if you can begin to make these changes, and after awhile you’ll notice that your muscles are less tense and you’ll be able to relax in your new and improved posture.

What is Good Posture?

January 16, 2019 Leave a comment

We hear it all the time…stand up straight, don’t slouch, keep your shoulders back…but, what really is considered “good” posture? If we’re talking about the head and neck, then having good posture would be when your ears are located right above your shoulders, instead of leaning forward or tilted too far back. Shoulder blades are pulled together, and your chest is open. When all of these things come together, we’ve got good posture!

When this position is optimized, we’re going to experience less head and neck stress, since everything is lined up where it should be. However, a vast majority of folks have a forward head, (i.e. from desk jobs, looking down at our phones, etc.), and this can lead to many muscular and skeletal problems.

Granted, the level to which this occurs is different for everyone, but there are ways to help correct forward head posture if it is due to overall poor posture habits – remember, if you have any kind of pain or other indications of a problem, speak with your Doylestown chiropractic doctor about correcting your posture. Otherwise, there are some things you can do at home!


One of the best things you can focus on is movement. There are many different exercises that you can work on to strengthen and help improve postural muscles – if you need help, it would be good to ask the best local chiropractor or a physical therapist what exercises would be best specifically for you. Another idea to focus on would be to remember to keep good posture while you’re out and about during the day. While you’re eating, working at the computer, watching television, driving, or sitting in a meeting, pay attention to how you’re sitting and what’s going on with your upper body.


It won’t be a quick transition to good posture, but you will slowly and surely see improvements in your head and neck position after practicing these habits – and you might even notice less stress in your upper body as well because of it!